SmartRun 4.0システム


Next generation service SmartRun 4.0

Filtration Group Industrial makes your dedusting system ready for smart manufacturing

Smart Run Technology
SmartRun 4.0 Technology

The new SmartRun 4.0 from Filtration Group Industrial is an upgrade for existing or new dedusting systems. The SmartRun 4.0 permanently records the operating parameters of your dedusting system and makes them available in real time. The measured values are continuously recorded and stored directly in a cloud via a mobile phone connection (alternative connection via LAN possible). The data can be accessed via a web browser via any Internet-capable PC. A mobile app for smartphones is also available. This allows easy access to all data.

When and where does SmartRun 4.0 help?

  • Useful for all maintenance staff and operators of dedusting systems
  • Large production areas with many different dedusting systems
  • Plants with frequent process disturbances and problems within the filtration process
  • In case of possible moisture ingress or high temperature fluctuations
  • Plants in critical processes with frequent, unscheduled downtimes

Which values can be recorded?

  • Differential pressure curve
  • Cleaning behaviour
  • Temperature
  • Moisture
  • Fan data
  • And much more

Customer Benefits

  • Machine monitoring around the clock and from anywhere in the world
  • Reduction of complex, manual inspection processes
  • Early detection of faults before expensive malfunctions and production downtimes can occur


  • Would you like to optimize your maintenance costs?
  • Would you like to be able to identify the causes of faults at an early stage and react quickly?
  • Do you want or need to improve your documentation quality?
  • Would you like to save energy and costs?

Let our service team advise you. We will make you a nonbinding
offer or put together an individual service contract on


SmartRun 4.0 Flyer