FG Expert Day Powder and Bulk Materials 2019

04/06/19 - 05/06/19

What do we value? 
Not only to work for our clients, but also to work with them. A prime example of this is our first FG Expert Day Powder & Bulk Materials. Around 60 customers as well as numerous external and internal speakers filled our training rooms at the location in Öhringen with life. 

The expert meeting was packed with exciting events on two days. On the first day, our customers were welcomed by our general manager. He introduced the participants to the world of FG Fluid Solutions. 

Then we started in two groups for the production tour and activity show in our laboratory. In this way, production, materials and product testing could be seen up close. The first day ended with a great evening program at the Hotel Rose in Bitzfeld, where new contacts were made and interesting conversations were held. 

The second day stood under the motto « sharing knowledge and learning together »! Our CMO from our headquarters in Austin, Texas gave the opening speech, showing customers that they are at the center of all Filtration Group activities.This was followed by three exciting lecture blocks on the topics of filter media, equipment technology and measurements.External and internal speakers provided a diverse mix of current market trends as well as internal and external application examples. 

Apply theoretical input in practice! 
In the breaks, our in-house exhibition could be used as a communication platform with coffee and cake. Our exhibits illustrated our broad product portfolio. 

The expert meeting ended with a feedback session and an official farewell. The event created new contacts, topics for discussion and future business opportunities that we look forward to and look forward to the future.

Event Address:

Schleifbachweg 45

Contact Details:

Event Contact: Carmen Steiner

Phone: +49 7941 / 6466 620
Email: [email protected]