Legal Notice
Operator and responsible for the content
Filtration Group GmbH
Schleifbachweg 45
74613 Öhringen
Phone: +49 7941 6466-0
Fax: +49 7941 6466-429
Email: [email protected]
Web: industrial.filtrationgroup.com
Authorized Representative
Christian Bernert (CEO)
Wolfram Andreas Zuck (CEO)
Thomas Gaugler (President Fluid)
Gerhard Steiner (President Process)
Registers of Commerce
Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Registernummer HRB 736520
Sales tax identification number: DE 222609448
The information on this website is constantly checked and updated. Neither the provider nor the Filtration Group GmbH Germany assume any liability for the contents or the guarantee for topicality, completeness, correctness of those websites to which reference is made via hyperlink.
Contents and structure of this website are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts and images, requires the prior consent of Filtration Group GmbH Germany
© 2020 Filtration Group GmbH Deutschland, Öhringen